
class svgwrite.container.Use(href, insert=None, size=None, **extra)

The use element references another element and indicates that the graphical contents of that element is included/drawn at that given point in the document.

Link to objects by href = '#object-id' or use the object itself as href-argument, if the given element has no id attribute it gets an automatic generated id.

Use.__init__(href, insert=None, size=None, **extra)
  • href (string) – object link (id-string) or an object with an id-attribute
  • insert (2-tuple) – insert point (x, y)
  • size (2-tuple) – (width, height)
  • extra – additional SVG attributes as keyword-arguments

SVG Attributes

  • classstring

    assigns one or more css-class-names to an element

  • stylestring

    allows per-element css-style rules to be specified directly on a given element

  • externalResourcesRequiredbool

    False: if document rendering can proceed even if external resources are unavailable else: True

  • x<coordinate>insert parameter

    The x-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region into which the referenced element is placed.

    Default is '0'.

  • y<coordinate>insert parameter

    The y-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region into which the referenced element is placed.

    Default is '0'.

  • width<length>size parameter

    The width of the rectangular region into which the referenced element is placed. A negative value is an error. A value of zero disables rendering of this element.

    Default is '100%'.

  • height<length>size parameter

    The height of the rectangular region into which the referenced element is placed. A negative value is an error. A value of zero disables rendering of this element.

    Default is '100%'.

  • transformsvgwrite.mixins.Transform interface

  • xlink:hrefstringhref parameter

    set on __init__(href)