
As the name svgwrite implies, svgwrite creates new SVG drawings, it does not read/import existing drawings, but you can always include other SVG drawings by the <image> entity.

svgwrite has a debugging feature, activated by svgwrite.Drawing(debug=True). This feature is meant to find SVG errors produced by your code while developing. This validation algorithm is not optimized and therefore very slow for big SVG files. That will not change in the future. And because it is slow DON’T use it in production code!

If svgwrite without debugging is still too slow, you have to use the lxml package without svgwrite as wrapper. That is the ugly truth since svgwrite is just a wrapper around xml.etree.ElementTree. If you learn the ElementTree API and the SVG elements and attributes, you do not need svgwrite.

SVG Elements


Use the factory-methods of the class Drawing to create new objects. (This is necessary to support validation for different SVG versions.) All factory-methods have the original SVG Elementname (e.g. Drawing.a(…), Drawing.g(…), Drawing.symbol(…), Drawing.line(…))

a short example:

dwg = svgwrite.Drawing()
link = dwg.add(dwg.a("http://link.to/internet"))
square = link.add(dwg.rect((0, 0), (1, 1), fill='blue'))

Structural Elements

Drawing, SVG, Group, Defs, Symbol, Marker, Use, Hyperlink

Graphical Elements

Line, Rect, Circle, Ellipse, Polyline, Polygon, Path

Text Objects

Text, TSpan, TRef, TextPath, TextArea,


Mask, ClipPath

Filter Effects


Basic Data Types

W3C: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html

You can always use python-types (int, float) for length, coordinate or angle values, for length and coordinates the default unit is px, for angles the default unit is deg, or you can use a string including a unit (e.g. 100in, 1.5cm, 3.141529rad).


Drawing(height=100, width=100) # drawing area of 100px x 100px
Drawing(height='10cm', width='20cm') # drawing area of 10cm x 20cm


Numbers can be intergers or floats, also in scientific notation:


tiny profile: numbers must not have more than 4 decimal digits in the fractional part of their decimal expansion and must be in the range -32,767.9999 to +32,767.9999, inclusive


  • 10, -23, 0
  • 73.1234, -0.002, .154, -.897, +13.2, 0000.123
  • 1.24E+2, 1.24e+2,1E0, -.0E-1


The <angle> unit identifier is optional. If not provided, the angle value is assumed to be in degrees.

unit identifier description
deg angle in degrees (full circle is 360deg)
grad angle in grads (full circle is 400grad)
rad angle in radians (full circle is 2*PI)


A <length> is a distance measurement, given as a number along with a unit, the unit identifiers must be in lower case. The meaning of a percentage length value depends on the attribute for which the percentage length value has been specified.

Two common cases are:

  1. when a percentage length value represents a percentage of the viewport width or height, and
  2. when a percentage length value represents a percentage of the bounding box width or height on a given object.


A <coordinate> is a length in the user coordinate system that is the given distance from the origin of the user coordinate system along the relevant axis (the x-axis for X coordinates, the y-axis for Y coordinates). Its syntax is the same as that for <length>.


W3C: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/coords.html#Units

When a coordinate or length value is a number without a unit identifier (e.g., “25”), then the given coordinate or length is assumed to be in user units (i.e., a value in the current user coordinate system).

Absolute units identifiers are only recommended for the width and the height on and situations where the content contains no transformations and it is desirable to specify values relative to the device pixel grid or to a particular real world unit size.


tiny profile: no usage of units except for the width and height attributes of the Drawing object.

unit identifier description
px one px unit is defined to be equal to one user unit
em font-size (actual font height)
ex x-height (height of letter ‘x’ of actual font)
pt point “1pt” equals “1.25px” (and therefore 1.25 user units)
pc pica “1pc” equals “15px” (and therefore 15 user units)
mm millimeter “1mm” would be “3.543307px” (3.543307 user units)
cm centimeter “1cm” equals “35.43307px” (and therefore 35.43307 user units)
in inch “1in” equals “90px” (and therefore 90 user units)